In the beginning there were two primordial elements: card and board games. These elements came together to create tabletop gaming which was found to be good in the eyes of the Gamer. The Gamer looked upon these elements and found joy, happiness, sadness and anger. The Gamer took all those emotions and molded them into what can only be called a small miracle, Dragons Fire Games.
Dragons Fire Games began with two guys simply wanting to create a game for friends to play. Two guys who carry over forty-five years of combined tabletop gaming experience and have been on both sides of the Game Master screen, who have been both rules advocates and rule breakers. These are your gamers, the guys who have trudged the path every gamer has walked, with memories consisting of happy and exciting experiences as well as upsetting and angry encounters. With all of this experience these two guys have stayed loyal to the playing of face-to-face games.
“Have met Dragons Fire Games at ArlingCon 2017, 2018, 2019. Great games that my gamer kids love.”
“To say that Gunslinger is an awesome game would be an understatement. I and my business partner were introduced to the game by Dragons Fire Games representatives, Conrad and Ashley at The Great Philly Comic Con. After playing a few rounds at the Con, we wanted to play longer! So, we all went to dinner and played some more! Its take-no-prisoner style play will keep you on the edge of your seat. It’s a total thrill ride. And the game gets really interesting when there are no more cards in the deck… Any card game that comes with real bullet shells as playable pieces is a game that’s playing for keeps. Check out Gunslinger, and I guarantee that you will not be disappointed”
“Gunslinger is really a great game. Easy to learn, with some great game mechanics. The physicality of the spent shells is such a great touch, adding a lot of atmosphere with a satisfying brass ‘klink’ as you dispense with another bleeder. My wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the tutorial that Conrad patiently took us through. We had a great time, and have played a number of times”
“I played Gunslinger at Fan Expo Dallas 2017 and had a great time. The game is quick and strategic and the people there were helpful and very kind. I would recommend the game and company to anyone and everyone. Overall had a great experience”
“I’ve been very excited about this expansion (Gambler)”