
Starting Cards are cards that a Gunslinger can have in their play area before the game begins. All Starting Cards have Starting Card in the item description and do not have the Gunslinger card back.

Gunslinger Classic has a few misprints;

Duck ‘n’ Cover says it is an Attack card. It in fact is our ultimate defense card.

Double Tap should read “cannot be used with any shotgun”

When should I use defense cards?

You should only use defense cards when another Gunslinger throws an attack or Bleeder card in front of you.

When can I play the Bleeder card?

You can only play the Bleeder card on a Gunslinger who has thrown a Heart (Shell or substitute. We’ve used candy) into the pot during the current round. You cannot play the Bleeder on a Gunslinger who has played defense cards or taken damage on their Barrel card.

How do I know when to take damage off my Barrel or my Hearts?

When you are attacked you may choose to play defense cards, take damage off your Barrel or lose Hearts. We suggest you play a defense cards or take damage off a Barrel before losing Hearts.

What are Signed cards? Do they have special effects?

Signed cards are Gunslinger or Gambler cards that have been signed by the Creators of the game, usually Conrad. The current Signed cards are all misprints from Gunslinger Classic; Duck ‘n’ Cover and Sawed Off Shotgun. A signed Duck ‘n’ Cover card cannot be negated by the Lily Livered Coward card. A signed Sawed Off Shotgun card can be used with the Double Tap card.

8 thoughts on “FAQ’s (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. I have a question about combining Gunslinger and Gambler together. Can the revolver and the fists be used identically? Just assume default attack is one unless an item card is used? I’m just wondering if I have the fist card from gambler can I still shoot? And vice versa? Thank you

    1. Great question! Yes and no.

      After you attack, (throw your card in front of another player) you may decide what you are using for that attack.

      If you play a Brawl card, you are using your Pugilist skill.

      If you play a Ranged attack card, you are using an equipped ranged weapon.

      If you play a face down card as an attack, that card can either be a Shoot or a Punch card. You may decide after you throw your card which it will be.
      *Any card may be played face down as a Shoot or Punch card*

      1. Thank you! I’ve got another question, of that’s alright. Dynamite rulings. For now we have taken it out of our deck because we could not agree on how it is played. The Dynamite says ALL gunslinger, does that include the player of Dynamite? Can defense cards be used on Dynamite? It says it is played after all other interactions so we are confused if it can be blocked at all or if the only interactions are disarming it or hiding behind a barrel?

  2. You are a crazy person if you bring Dyno-mite to a gunfight!
    Yes, the Dyno-mite deals damage to ALL Gunslingers, even the Gunslinger that played it. Before resolving the Dyno-mite you must first resolve all other cards played that round.
    The Trick Shot card can flip the Dyno-mite face down but anyone can pick it up in the following rounds and replay it.
    The Dyno-mite is an area effect ranged attack and thusly damage can be negated by any card which negates damage from ranged attacks (ie: Graze, Missed Me!, Duck n Cover, a Barrel). Note you may play only one Combat Roll against the Dyno-mite because it is a single attack and the Good Book, well, isn’t THAT good.
    Finally, if you are playing a team game (2 vs 2, 3 vs 2, or the Legendary 4 vs 1) a Gunslinger may use the Tackle card to jump on the Dyno-mite and take all the damage themselves. When doing this there is no defense that can be played. The Gunslinger is DED, don’t waste the A, Dead.
    All that being said, put the Dyno-mite back in your deck and use it wisely or recklessly or however the situation calls for it.

  3. Could you guys do a 2
    Minute video on YouTube on how to play a round in Build a bot? Someone bought me this game and my family have differences of opinions on some of the rules.

    1. Sorry, we just saw this comment, our website and email has been wonky for the last six months. We should have a video tutorial for Build a Bot and Mage Dice on Youtube in the next few days. Thank you for playing our games =)

  4. Do you guys have a discord invite link that isn’t expired. I own all of your games. Mage dice is genius. Why do you guys not have a presence on BGG? That’s one of the ways many people discover your games. If you want I can add your games there. It’s free.

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